Hello dear people!
I am in Finland! Weather is amazing and I love to be with my family, just came from swimming! Nature is blooming and lakes are so pure, it makes it much more easier to be back in Finland. Anyway, now few words about the time in the exchange.
Past half an year has been best ever. I have learned so much about myself, to relax and to live for myself. I met amazing people who I will never forget, from whom I learned a lot and who were the reason I will always keep exploring and meeting new people.
Learned about new cultures and differences. I learned how similar we are, even we would be from the different parts of the world. I learned what unity means and how important it is to fight for equality not only for yourself and your country, but for all those people all over the world. I learned to appreciate thing in my home country I never really appreciated and noticed few things for which I want to work to make them better in Finland. This eyeopening six months made me a international citizen and I realized how much there are things I still want to be part of and how much I want to explore.
To all you amazing people who made me even more adventurous and more enthusiastic about world: I can't even tell how much I changed and how important this exchange was to me. Everyone of you who handled me when I went hyper, who participated in our parties, who told me something about your culture or language. Everyone who studied with me, walked in a pouring rain with me or danced with me. Everyone of you who were part of my big experience becoming more open me, I thank you with the deepest of my heart.
I made life-long friends, I met amazing people, I did things I would have not normally done. I experienced youth and exchange in the way you are supposed to. This video is a little compilation of my exchange. It is just a scratch of everything I did, but there you go, hope you enjoy it.
Thank you Leeuwarden, ESN Leeuwarden and of course - exchangers Spring 2016! Proost!
- Uppa
22 year old girl trying to find her place in the world. Started the search from Joensuu, came to Tampere, going to Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Studying film and television production, loving unicorns, hating butterflies.

Thoughts of my exchange
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
back in Finland,
student life,
Thank you,
the netherlands
Weird and useless stuff / Holland edition
Holland is on fire. Literally. Feels like being in sauna. I wanna go outside because of the sun, but I set on flames every time I even open the curtains so outside is not the place for me today.
BUT LUCKILY I am suppose to move to Finland next week so I wouldn't even suppose to be outside but inside cleaning. And because of procrastination I decided to stay inside and make a new awesome vlog.
Everyone (meaning maybe two persons) might remember my first video: "Golden memories, weird things and useless stuff" where I showed all the weird things I found from my apartment before moving here. Well I collected all my brain cells and weird stuff I had here and made a video of those.
Hope you enjoy and tell em what weird things there are in your apartment!
- Uppa
Holland is on fire. Literally. Feels like being in sauna. I wanna go outside because of the sun, but I set on flames every time I even open the curtains so outside is not the place for me today.
BUT LUCKILY I am suppose to move to Finland next week so I wouldn't even suppose to be outside but inside cleaning. And because of procrastination I decided to stay inside and make a new awesome vlog.
Everyone (meaning maybe two persons) might remember my first video: "Golden memories, weird things and useless stuff" where I showed all the weird things I found from my apartment before moving here. Well I collected all my brain cells and weird stuff I had here and made a video of those.
Hope you enjoy and tell em what weird things there are in your apartment!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
St. Patricks Day,
weird stuff
What I miss in Finland, Funland?
Morjensta pöytään!
Last week was full of good byes BUT ALSO lots of hellos, because my friends Amanda and Nita came to Leeuwarden. YEII!! We've been hanging around and I've prepared myself mentally going back to Finland after TWO WEEKS. Holy cow!
Because of this I decided to make a video where I open my secrets and tell you few things I miss in Funland!
Hope you enjoy it, now I'm off to Jumbo buying porridge for Amanda! Cheers!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
finnish food,
home country,
10 things I've learned during Erasmus.
Hello orange beer monkeys!
Leslie and Dara left back to the country of leprechauns yesterday and guys traveled to Rotterdam so I started looking back what all we have gone through during past months. We have had amazing time and I have changed a lot. I also realized I have learned a lot and wanted to share everything with you's.
Right now my studies are done (hopefully) for this semester and I have 23 days left in the Netherlands, so I am planning just to relax and enjoy my time here, just like I learned. I'd love, if you would comment below how living abroad has changed you or what you have learned!
- Uppa
Leslie and Dara left back to the country of leprechauns yesterday and guys traveled to Rotterdam so I started looking back what all we have gone through during past months. We have had amazing time and I have changed a lot. I also realized I have learned a lot and wanted to share everything with you's.
Right now my studies are done (hopefully) for this semester and I have 23 days left in the Netherlands, so I am planning just to relax and enjoy my time here, just like I learned. I'd love, if you would comment below how living abroad has changed you or what you have learned!
- Uppa
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