Hello everyone!
Now I'm back here and I am enjoying it quite much. For past week I've been jogging, picking berries and mushrooms, meeting my friends and spending quality time with my family. Tomorrow me, my sisters, dad and nephew will head to Oulu and spend few days relaxing there. So life is really going well here and I am getting better from the culture shock I got when I arrived back in Finland.
I am surprised how easy it was to get used to old routines and culture, but obviously there was some hard parts too. Thats why I am sharing few tips how to make comeback to your home country easier:
1. Accept
It sounds like admitting you have an addiction, but it is a fact that you should start progressing leaving already when you are still in the exchange country. For me one thing was making a list of all the things I miss in Finland. List included as example different foods, people, things to do, places etc.
2. Give yourself time
When you go back, your friends and family must be excited to see you and hear everything. It is great and speaking is one of the best things, but give yourself time to adjust to environment. Usually we people happen to change after we've been living so long abroad. So give yourself time, relax and do things you really want.
3. Meet your people
Already before I came back to Finland I decided to stay whole August in Joensuu at my childhood home town, where my mom and other sister are still living. Quite many of my friends are also still living here and rest of them, just like me, visit here during summer time. So coming here was a good idea. After I had relaxed few days with my family at the countryside I started seeing and meeting my friends. It was good to tell about my exchange and listen what has happened in their lives. Also remember, they are interested hearing how everything was during your exchange, but don't grieve in sadness and don't surprise if they don't wanna hear every single story of every week. For me this blog/vlog was one way to keep my friends updated and because of this they had followed my time abroad already somehow. People make coming back so much easier. I love people, people are the best!
4. Keep in contact with your exchange mates
Though your family and friends are helping a lot, there is nothing like a little peer support from your exchange friends. You own friends and family like to listen how good time you had, but your exchange friends want to know how are you doing back in your home country. For me checking Snapchats of my friends in their home countries has relieved the feeling of being back. Also they really know what you are going through, so help is there.
5. Goals
Make yourself some goals. No matter are those tiny or big, make some goals. Here I want to eat this food I didn't get in exchange, then I start uni, next week I'll meet my friends, this weekend I want to travel to other side of Finland. Goals make the start easier and you have something to look forward.
I hope these few things help you, at least I found those kinda helpful! Write down if you have any other advices to get used to normal life! So far everything is going great here and I wish all the best for everyone trying to survive from culture shock after you've gone back to home country! Cheers!
- Uppa
22 year old girl trying to find her place in the world. Started the search from Joensuu, came to Tampere, going to Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Studying film and television production, loving unicorns, hating butterflies.

Tips for post-exchange life
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
back in Finland,
cultural differences,
culture shock,
Thoughts of my exchange
Hello dear people!
I am in Finland! Weather is amazing and I love to be with my family, just came from swimming! Nature is blooming and lakes are so pure, it makes it much more easier to be back in Finland. Anyway, now few words about the time in the exchange.
Past half an year has been best ever. I have learned so much about myself, to relax and to live for myself. I met amazing people who I will never forget, from whom I learned a lot and who were the reason I will always keep exploring and meeting new people.
Learned about new cultures and differences. I learned how similar we are, even we would be from the different parts of the world. I learned what unity means and how important it is to fight for equality not only for yourself and your country, but for all those people all over the world. I learned to appreciate thing in my home country I never really appreciated and noticed few things for which I want to work to make them better in Finland. This eyeopening six months made me a international citizen and I realized how much there are things I still want to be part of and how much I want to explore.
To all you amazing people who made me even more adventurous and more enthusiastic about world: I can't even tell how much I changed and how important this exchange was to me. Everyone of you who handled me when I went hyper, who participated in our parties, who told me something about your culture or language. Everyone who studied with me, walked in a pouring rain with me or danced with me. Everyone of you who were part of my big experience becoming more open me, I thank you with the deepest of my heart.
I made life-long friends, I met amazing people, I did things I would have not normally done. I experienced youth and exchange in the way you are supposed to. This video is a little compilation of my exchange. It is just a scratch of everything I did, but there you go, hope you enjoy it.
Thank you Leeuwarden, ESN Leeuwarden and of course - exchangers Spring 2016! Proost!
- Uppa
I am in Finland! Weather is amazing and I love to be with my family, just came from swimming! Nature is blooming and lakes are so pure, it makes it much more easier to be back in Finland. Anyway, now few words about the time in the exchange.
Past half an year has been best ever. I have learned so much about myself, to relax and to live for myself. I met amazing people who I will never forget, from whom I learned a lot and who were the reason I will always keep exploring and meeting new people.
Learned about new cultures and differences. I learned how similar we are, even we would be from the different parts of the world. I learned what unity means and how important it is to fight for equality not only for yourself and your country, but for all those people all over the world. I learned to appreciate thing in my home country I never really appreciated and noticed few things for which I want to work to make them better in Finland. This eyeopening six months made me a international citizen and I realized how much there are things I still want to be part of and how much I want to explore.
To all you amazing people who made me even more adventurous and more enthusiastic about world: I can't even tell how much I changed and how important this exchange was to me. Everyone of you who handled me when I went hyper, who participated in our parties, who told me something about your culture or language. Everyone who studied with me, walked in a pouring rain with me or danced with me. Everyone of you who were part of my big experience becoming more open me, I thank you with the deepest of my heart.
I made life-long friends, I met amazing people, I did things I would have not normally done. I experienced youth and exchange in the way you are supposed to. This video is a little compilation of my exchange. It is just a scratch of everything I did, but there you go, hope you enjoy it.
Thank you Leeuwarden, ESN Leeuwarden and of course - exchangers Spring 2016! Proost!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
back in Finland,
student life,
Thank you,
the netherlands
Weird and useless stuff / Holland edition
Holland is on fire. Literally. Feels like being in sauna. I wanna go outside because of the sun, but I set on flames every time I even open the curtains so outside is not the place for me today.
BUT LUCKILY I am suppose to move to Finland next week so I wouldn't even suppose to be outside but inside cleaning. And because of procrastination I decided to stay inside and make a new awesome vlog.
Everyone (meaning maybe two persons) might remember my first video: "Golden memories, weird things and useless stuff" where I showed all the weird things I found from my apartment before moving here. Well I collected all my brain cells and weird stuff I had here and made a video of those.
Hope you enjoy and tell em what weird things there are in your apartment!
- Uppa
Holland is on fire. Literally. Feels like being in sauna. I wanna go outside because of the sun, but I set on flames every time I even open the curtains so outside is not the place for me today.
BUT LUCKILY I am suppose to move to Finland next week so I wouldn't even suppose to be outside but inside cleaning. And because of procrastination I decided to stay inside and make a new awesome vlog.
Everyone (meaning maybe two persons) might remember my first video: "Golden memories, weird things and useless stuff" where I showed all the weird things I found from my apartment before moving here. Well I collected all my brain cells and weird stuff I had here and made a video of those.
Hope you enjoy and tell em what weird things there are in your apartment!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
St. Patricks Day,
weird stuff
What I miss in Finland, Funland?
Morjensta pöytään!
Last week was full of good byes BUT ALSO lots of hellos, because my friends Amanda and Nita came to Leeuwarden. YEII!! We've been hanging around and I've prepared myself mentally going back to Finland after TWO WEEKS. Holy cow!
Because of this I decided to make a video where I open my secrets and tell you few things I miss in Funland!
Hope you enjoy it, now I'm off to Jumbo buying porridge for Amanda! Cheers!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
finnish food,
home country,
10 things I've learned during Erasmus.
Hello orange beer monkeys!
Leslie and Dara left back to the country of leprechauns yesterday and guys traveled to Rotterdam so I started looking back what all we have gone through during past months. We have had amazing time and I have changed a lot. I also realized I have learned a lot and wanted to share everything with you's.
Right now my studies are done (hopefully) for this semester and I have 23 days left in the Netherlands, so I am planning just to relax and enjoy my time here, just like I learned. I'd love, if you would comment below how living abroad has changed you or what you have learned!
- Uppa
Leslie and Dara left back to the country of leprechauns yesterday and guys traveled to Rotterdam so I started looking back what all we have gone through during past months. We have had amazing time and I have changed a lot. I also realized I have learned a lot and wanted to share everything with you's.
Right now my studies are done (hopefully) for this semester and I have 23 days left in the Netherlands, so I am planning just to relax and enjoy my time here, just like I learned. I'd love, if you would comment below how living abroad has changed you or what you have learned!
- Uppa
School work and goodbyes
Hey and houdi!
Last week of studying here in Holland. It has been quite emotional, cause people are leaving. Actually right now while I'm writing this, Dara is packing her stuff in boxes and sounds like she is trying to beat those boxes to the death. Anyway, really emotional time around here, but I still have a month left.
But because I've been writing so many times how busy I am and how uni here is killing me, I thought I would share one of the projects we made with you's. It is part of my Visual Tools course and it is short documentary of ESN Leeuwarden.
Documentary tells what they are, what they do for us erasmus students and how they feel about it. Working on the project was a lot of work but also really fun and I loved working with Jas, Sara and Jamie on this one. Real good team! :)
Check the documentary and comment how you felt about it! I recommend it especially for the ones who are planning to go in exchange in Europe!
Now Dara is taking the pictures down and probably we're having crying moment soon so gotta go.
Enjoy the video and apply for exchange if you haven't done it yet!
- Uppa
Last week of studying here in Holland. It has been quite emotional, cause people are leaving. Actually right now while I'm writing this, Dara is packing her stuff in boxes and sounds like she is trying to beat those boxes to the death. Anyway, really emotional time around here, but I still have a month left.
But because I've been writing so many times how busy I am and how uni here is killing me, I thought I would share one of the projects we made with you's. It is part of my Visual Tools course and it is short documentary of ESN Leeuwarden.
Documentary tells what they are, what they do for us erasmus students and how they feel about it. Working on the project was a lot of work but also really fun and I loved working with Jas, Sara and Jamie on this one. Real good team! :)
Check the documentary and comment how you felt about it! I recommend it especially for the ones who are planning to go in exchange in Europe!
Now Dara is taking the pictures down and probably we're having crying moment soon so gotta go.
Enjoy the video and apply for exchange if you haven't done it yet!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
esn leeuwarden,
school work,
Luchtmachtdagen is cool.
Yesterday me, Dara and Joel got fed up with all the school work and headed to military base because of Luchtmachtdagen! It is a two days event where different fighter jets, apache helicopters, planes and all COOL STUFF! Here is a video of the day and all the planes.
I also lost my english vocabulary because of COOL planes and helicopters, so I keep on repeating word cool. BUT fun drinking game; every time I say plane or cool - drink. I guarantee you'll be tipsy!
My personal favorites were the Italian and French aerial-acrobatics groups and apache helicopter bowing as a thanks for the audience!
- If you don't like planes, there is lots of planes in this video.
- If you do like planes, but not me, there is my commentary, so would not recommend.
Enjoy the amazing planes!!
- Uppa
I also lost my english vocabulary because of COOL planes and helicopters, so I keep on repeating word cool. BUT fun drinking game; every time I say plane or cool - drink. I guarantee you'll be tipsy!
My personal favorites were the Italian and French aerial-acrobatics groups and apache helicopter bowing as a thanks for the audience!
- If you don't like planes, there is lots of planes in this video.
- If you do like planes, but not me, there is my commentary, so would not recommend.
Enjoy the amazing planes!!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
Photo Booth Challenge
Ho Ho Ho and Merry June!
Few weeks ago I collected all my brain cells and organized Anaalstraat AlcOlympics for our group just to celebrate life!!
We were battling in different sports from which one was Photo Booth Challenge. Tough all the participants were quite good and didn't laugh too much, for sure the video's are fun to watch now (especially cause everyone is SOOOO busy with school atm).
Teams were Finland and Ireland and unfortunately the Olympics ended with tie! Hope you enjoy our game!
- Uppa
Few weeks ago I collected all my brain cells and organized Anaalstraat AlcOlympics for our group just to celebrate life!!
We were battling in different sports from which one was Photo Booth Challenge. Tough all the participants were quite good and didn't laugh too much, for sure the video's are fun to watch now (especially cause everyone is SOOOO busy with school atm).
Teams were Finland and Ireland and unfortunately the Olympics ended with tie! Hope you enjoy our game!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
photo booth challenge
Little bit of memories to cheer me up!
Hello after months!
Yes, I DO suck at posting here and I feel extremely guilty cause now you all can't see how amazingly fun I'm having here with my unicorns. But hey, who can expect me to sit in front of a computer when I'm surrounded by amazing people and plenty of activities and things and thingys?
I woke up this morning to the fact that I really do have only one month left with these amazing people and two months left in the Netherlands. This obviously makes me super sad, but it is good moment to look back and think what all cool experiences I've gone through during my stay here.
Last few weeks have been going so fast, we had lots of friends over and our dear Cathy left back to Ireland. I've been working like crazy with school and spend more time writing school things than I ever did in Finland. SO, to cheer myself and all of you fluffy cinnamon alligators, I decided not be lazy and I finally edited the video of Ameland trip. That was absolutely one of my favourite weekends from the past months and I wanted to share it with you's!
Hope you enjoy the video and hopefully I'll get a grip to post bit more often for the next few months!
- Uppa
Yes, I DO suck at posting here and I feel extremely guilty cause now you all can't see how amazingly fun I'm having here with my unicorns. But hey, who can expect me to sit in front of a computer when I'm surrounded by amazing people and plenty of activities and things and thingys?
I woke up this morning to the fact that I really do have only one month left with these amazing people and two months left in the Netherlands. This obviously makes me super sad, but it is good moment to look back and think what all cool experiences I've gone through during my stay here.
Last few weeks have been going so fast, we had lots of friends over and our dear Cathy left back to Ireland. I've been working like crazy with school and spend more time writing school things than I ever did in Finland. SO, to cheer myself and all of you fluffy cinnamon alligators, I decided not be lazy and I finally edited the video of Ameland trip. That was absolutely one of my favourite weekends from the past months and I wanted to share it with you's!
Hope you enjoy the video and hopefully I'll get a grip to post bit more often for the next few months!
- Uppa
All this is really happening!
Month has passed since I last time wrote anything. A MONTH. Time keeps passing so fast and I can't believe I've been here already wayyyy over three months! A little update what has happened!
Last time I was writing I told about homesickness and how I decided to really start living in a moment. And surely have! We had a project week in school, were we had to make exhibition about food with all the communication students. I finally had a change to meet more dutch people and do workshop-kind of-studies. I really enjoyed my week with them and met plenty of new people!
Because of a quite long night out after exhibition premiere we started our trip to Ameland, little island at northern part of the Netherlands. (I was suppose to edit you's a video of that trip, but unfortunately can't edit atm, so you'll get that one later!) Ameland was great! Shitloads of rain, plenty of fields and AMAZING people. I talked with so many exchange students I didn't have change to chat earlier. I hope everyone would experience how it is to be part of erasmus group! We are so unite and every person, no matter they are from, has something in common here!
It wasn't enough that Ameland was great; after trip new module with such interesting courses started AND it was the King´s Day -week. Two days partying with my favourite people in beautiful Leeuwarden full of people - could you hope more? King´s Day ended up being one of the best nights so far. Last weekend we celebrated May Day with Finns, hanged at Anaalstraat and Sunday me and the guys took a tiny day trip to Zwolle, Kampen and Meppel. Three minimal cities with so much potential for adventure. Really much fun and got even a little bit tanned!! WEEEEE :D
This week we're enjoying holiday and at Thursday bus leaves to Berlin for four days! Can't wait what Berlin gives us (at least victory against Germany at ice hockey at Sunday, remember to watch!! LEIJONAT!)
Because I'm so excited of everything here and outside weather is absolutely gorgeous and I wanna just go running there, I'll just add here a little bit cliche, but cute film about exchanging in Europe by BuzzFeed (yes Les, I stole it from your fb):
- Uppa
PS: 8,6 from dutch language BITCHEEES!!!! Basically I'm fluent.
Month has passed since I last time wrote anything. A MONTH. Time keeps passing so fast and I can't believe I've been here already wayyyy over three months! A little update what has happened!
Last time I was writing I told about homesickness and how I decided to really start living in a moment. And surely have! We had a project week in school, were we had to make exhibition about food with all the communication students. I finally had a change to meet more dutch people and do workshop-kind of-studies. I really enjoyed my week with them and met plenty of new people!
Because of a quite long night out after exhibition premiere we started our trip to Ameland, little island at northern part of the Netherlands. (I was suppose to edit you's a video of that trip, but unfortunately can't edit atm, so you'll get that one later!) Ameland was great! Shitloads of rain, plenty of fields and AMAZING people. I talked with so many exchange students I didn't have change to chat earlier. I hope everyone would experience how it is to be part of erasmus group! We are so unite and every person, no matter they are from, has something in common here!
It wasn't enough that Ameland was great; after trip new module with such interesting courses started AND it was the King´s Day -week. Two days partying with my favourite people in beautiful Leeuwarden full of people - could you hope more? King´s Day ended up being one of the best nights so far. Last weekend we celebrated May Day with Finns, hanged at Anaalstraat and Sunday me and the guys took a tiny day trip to Zwolle, Kampen and Meppel. Three minimal cities with so much potential for adventure. Really much fun and got even a little bit tanned!! WEEEEE :D
This week we're enjoying holiday and at Thursday bus leaves to Berlin for four days! Can't wait what Berlin gives us (at least victory against Germany at ice hockey at Sunday, remember to watch!! LEIJONAT!)
Because I'm so excited of everything here and outside weather is absolutely gorgeous and I wanna just go running there, I'll just add here a little bit cliche, but cute film about exchanging in Europe by BuzzFeed (yes Les, I stole it from your fb):
- Uppa
PS: 8,6 from dutch language BITCHEEES!!!! Basically I'm fluent.
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
day trip,
ice hockey,
King's Day,
love my life,
I am positive about being positive.
Hello everyone!
Like most of you know, I was in Finland a week ago. I had amazing time, met all my favourite people, went to places I love and obviously went a lot to the sauna. When I arrived Finland it was absolutely weird to be there and to be honest, I was even scared. But routines came back quite fast and in days it felt like home again.
But well. I came back to Leeuwarden and for me it is really hard to admit, but I felt homesick. A lot. Since I've been teenager I've been traveling and been quite much away from home. Actually before this I only felt homesick few times when I moved to Tampere. But I've never felt this abroad, so it was a bit of a shock. Sure I love my time here and people are amazing but for some reason the homesickness hit me this time. Hard.
As a rational person I forced myself to believe it is gonna go away, everything is fine and I really can't do anything to this. I called my family and boyfriend and told the situation to them but still I kept feeling really bad and actually got even a bit sick (might be also our house which is probably covered with diseases, mice, mold and ghosts). And somehow I wanted to stay in my bad feeling. Somehow feeling grumpy and whining about it to my family felt normal thing to do. I wanted to stay in my negative bubble so I didn't have to face the fact I am here and I'm wasting my time by being a grumpy fuck.
But today, I woke up and got urge to go for a walk. Weather was absolutely gorgeous and thought that maybe tiny walk would cheer my up. And boy it did!
I walked and suddenly I started smiling. I found new places in Leeuwarden I've never seen. Seemed like everyone was smiling and greeting me. A nice girl in the shop was helping me and doing amazing customer service. I went to the park and had a conversation with a lady who had a dog exactly we had when I was a kid. I kicked a ball for a tiny boy who was playing football and his ball got away to my direction. A old man with clogs walked by and greeted cheerfully. For the first time since I got back from Finland I felt like this was home again.
And what was the secret ingredient for me to heal my homesickness? Attitude.
In life you can't decide everything and write everything ready for yourself like in films. But what you can do, is to relax and think positive. I know that sounds cliché as fuck, but it just happens to be true. And especially for us Finns that is one thing that seems to be extremely hard to understand. It is up to yourself how you see things. If you keep thinking this is shit, for sure it becomes shit. If you keep thinking you fail, for sure you will fail. If you think it's gonna be okay and you concentrate on the good things, suddenly it is not that bad at the end.
I know I'm often horribly negative person and I will stop it now. Sure we all have bad times and sometimes things really are going bad. But when there is at least a little light, go for it! I dare everyone to join in my challenge of finding the positive in things and trying not to spread that negativeness around so much. Stay positive people and please, think about those unicorns.
- Uppa
PS: I also saw shitloads of GOATS today. That if something cheered me up. Go goats!
Like most of you know, I was in Finland a week ago. I had amazing time, met all my favourite people, went to places I love and obviously went a lot to the sauna. When I arrived Finland it was absolutely weird to be there and to be honest, I was even scared. But routines came back quite fast and in days it felt like home again.
But well. I came back to Leeuwarden and for me it is really hard to admit, but I felt homesick. A lot. Since I've been teenager I've been traveling and been quite much away from home. Actually before this I only felt homesick few times when I moved to Tampere. But I've never felt this abroad, so it was a bit of a shock. Sure I love my time here and people are amazing but for some reason the homesickness hit me this time. Hard.
As a rational person I forced myself to believe it is gonna go away, everything is fine and I really can't do anything to this. I called my family and boyfriend and told the situation to them but still I kept feeling really bad and actually got even a bit sick (might be also our house which is probably covered with diseases, mice, mold and ghosts). And somehow I wanted to stay in my bad feeling. Somehow feeling grumpy and whining about it to my family felt normal thing to do. I wanted to stay in my negative bubble so I didn't have to face the fact I am here and I'm wasting my time by being a grumpy fuck.
But today, I woke up and got urge to go for a walk. Weather was absolutely gorgeous and thought that maybe tiny walk would cheer my up. And boy it did!
I walked and suddenly I started smiling. I found new places in Leeuwarden I've never seen. Seemed like everyone was smiling and greeting me. A nice girl in the shop was helping me and doing amazing customer service. I went to the park and had a conversation with a lady who had a dog exactly we had when I was a kid. I kicked a ball for a tiny boy who was playing football and his ball got away to my direction. A old man with clogs walked by and greeted cheerfully. For the first time since I got back from Finland I felt like this was home again.
And what was the secret ingredient for me to heal my homesickness? Attitude.
In life you can't decide everything and write everything ready for yourself like in films. But what you can do, is to relax and think positive. I know that sounds cliché as fuck, but it just happens to be true. And especially for us Finns that is one thing that seems to be extremely hard to understand. It is up to yourself how you see things. If you keep thinking this is shit, for sure it becomes shit. If you keep thinking you fail, for sure you will fail. If you think it's gonna be okay and you concentrate on the good things, suddenly it is not that bad at the end.
I know I'm often horribly negative person and I will stop it now. Sure we all have bad times and sometimes things really are going bad. But when there is at least a little light, go for it! I dare everyone to join in my challenge of finding the positive in things and trying not to spread that negativeness around so much. Stay positive people and please, think about those unicorns.
- Uppa
PS: I also saw shitloads of GOATS today. That if something cheered me up. Go goats!
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
study exchange,
Spring Break part. 2 - Belfast
Hello mates and happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
I promised to post video of our spring break's other part so here it is for the glory of St. Paddy's!
Me and guys headed to Belfast to see Dara and I absolutely felt for Ireland. I mean really. I'm no Finn anymore. People are the most amazing, country is absolutely beautiful and who wouldn't love to live with leprechauns?
We also traveled all the way up to North coast, saw foaming ocean, had amazing food with Guinness and Magners. Dara is probably the greatest tourist guide ever, I recommend her tour's if you ever happen to find yourselves from Belfast. Had also honor to meet her sweetest mom and be around when Dara's sister Hana made a surprise visit home!
So with this video and my heart full of Ireland I want to wish Ireland happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hope you all like the video! :)
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
Carrick-a-Rede Rope bridge,
Giant's Causeway,
Northern Ireland,
spring break,
Spring break part. 1 - Cologne
Hola amigos!
Few weeks ago we had a spring break and it was AWESOME with my crazy pigs and piglets. We took our backs and headed to Cologne for a long weekend. Saw lots of places, enjoyed german beer and hanged around. After Cologne we took few days rest in Leeuwarden and traveled to Belfast!
More about that in upcoming video. What did you mates do during spring break? Comment and don't forget to subscribe in Youtube. Enjoy the video flufferballs!
Music: www.bensound.com & www.purple-planet.com
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
photo booth,
Weird dutch things being weird.
After a long time I finally dragged my ass in front of the laptop and filmed something! YEII!
Unfortunately had problems with the audio of my gopro, so laptop needs to do it now.
So during my stay here I've noticed the weirdest things going around me and I wanna share few of them with you guys. These are just to mention few and for some people these must be the most normal things ever. But I find them weird as fuck. Enjoy the video and let me know what kind of odd things you've seen while traveling around the world!
And sorry mom for cursing. Sori.
Also if you want to see the videos immediately when those are published, remember to subscribe me in Youtube!
- Uppa
After a long time I finally dragged my ass in front of the laptop and filmed something! YEII!
Unfortunately had problems with the audio of my gopro, so laptop needs to do it now.
So during my stay here I've noticed the weirdest things going around me and I wanna share few of them with you guys. These are just to mention few and for some people these must be the most normal things ever. But I find them weird as fuck. Enjoy the video and let me know what kind of odd things you've seen while traveling around the world!
And sorry mom for cursing. Sori.
Also if you want to see the videos immediately when those are published, remember to subscribe me in Youtube!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
cultural differences,
the netherlands,
I look like Quasimodo
Hola Amigos!
I've been here for two amazing weeks and today I was suppose to make a fabulous video telling all the cool and weird things about Leeuwarden. BUT I've been feeling bit sick for few days and today woke up with eye infection and no voice left so making video would be quite silent one. I also happen to look like Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. And no, I'm not kidding, we seriously look like twins. Siblings at least.
So because of my extremely swollen eye, voice like a ghost and fact that I'm pissed of as a squirrel when it's nuts are frozen during winter in Finland, I am not posting video today. I'm also really lazy and I have shitloads of school things I should be doing instead of this post. But I'm trying to get my act together and post a video next week.
But so you would hear at least a bit whats going on I'll tell in nutshell:
- World is full of amazing people and I think at least 100 of the greatest happened to move to Leeuwarden for this semester.
- It IS possible to miss Finnish winter and -30c weather. It happens when you are driving a bike next to kanal and wind is trying to pull you in there because wind is a bitch.
- Stroopwafels = diabetes
- I'll never again wonder why exchange students are always hanging out just with the other exchange students.
- My semester is gonna be full of studying. Amazing courses and assignments, but I'll have to study more I've ever studied in Tampere.
- I'm pretty sure dutch people appreciate bicycles more than human life.
- I've saw one pair of wooden clogs. They aren't that common here.
Thats all for this time, I'll try to calm my eye and get better soon, so I could be posting more stupid things here!
- Quasimodo
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
eye infection,
The Long and Windy road to Leeuwarden
Hey ho there!
I survived to Leeuwarden and I've been here almost a week already! Been busy meeting all these great new people and trying to find my way in the city. Streets are really tiny and twisty so finding my way around is sometimes so hard. But I'm surviving. I will survive. YEAH YEAAAH.
Something even more twisty was the trip from Tampere to Leeuwarden. After saying goodbyes to all the important people in my life, traveling for over 8 hours taking three trains, two flights, bus ride and lots of steps wasn't too fun. Luckily I had my camera and filmed all the stupid and amazing things from the trip and the first few days.
I also wanna thank Nita for being a darling and helping me about the exchange things and being amazing host for the first few days here, you are one tough viking there, have fun in Finland!
Now for the video, hope you enjoy it!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
study exchange,
Golden memories, weird things and useless stuff
Hello there everyone!
Enjoy the video and have amazing weekend you hamsters there!
- Uppa
My first video is here and its totally awesome. Well at least the intro is!
Quality is potato because I'm quite blind, but don't worry I have solution for that - Uppa drinking game: Drink every time I say "that", "this" or "amazing". And after a while quality doesn't seem so big thing anymore!
Enjoy the video and have amazing weekend you hamsters there!
- Uppa
The beginning and the start of all the starts and beginnings
Hello there!
As most of you know, I'm leaving for student exchange to Leeuwarden, Netherlands at the end of the January. I decided to create this blog/vlog so you all (probably only mom and dad) can see whats going on, how is living in another country going and what I'm up to.
Because I'm lazy to write I'll be posting mostly videos and pictures. Posts will be both in english and in finnish, depending on my day and mood and how much unicorns there are in the same room. Because that DOES matter a lot.
Thats for the beginning, I'll be posting soon again so stay tuned!
- Uppa
As most of you know, I'm leaving for student exchange to Leeuwarden, Netherlands at the end of the January. I decided to create this blog/vlog so you all (probably only mom and dad) can see whats going on, how is living in another country going and what I'm up to.
Because I'm lazy to write I'll be posting mostly videos and pictures. Posts will be both in english and in finnish, depending on my day and mood and how much unicorns there are in the same room. Because that DOES matter a lot.
Thats for the beginning, I'll be posting soon again so stay tuned!
- Uppa
Tunnisteet: student exchange; Netherlands: Finalnd
Student exchange,
Blogitekstit (Atom)