


All this is really happening!


Month has passed since I last time wrote anything. A MONTH. Time keeps passing so fast and I can't believe I've been here already wayyyy over three months! A little update what has happened!

Last time I was writing I told about homesickness and how I decided to really start living in a moment. And surely have!  We had a project week in school, were we had to make exhibition about food with all the communication students. I finally had a change to meet more dutch people and do workshop-kind of-studies. I really enjoyed my week with them and met plenty of new people!

Because of a quite long night out after exhibition premiere we started our trip to Ameland, little island at northern part of the Netherlands. (I was suppose to edit you's a video of that trip, but unfortunately can't edit atm, so you'll get that one later!) Ameland was great! Shitloads of rain, plenty of fields and AMAZING people. I talked with so many exchange students I didn't have change to chat earlier. I hope everyone would experience how it is to be part of erasmus group! We are so unite and every person, no matter they are from, has something in common here!

It wasn't enough that Ameland was great; after trip new module with such interesting courses started AND it was the King´s Day -week. Two days partying with my favourite people in beautiful Leeuwarden full of people - could you hope more? King´s Day ended up being one of the best nights so far. Last weekend we celebrated May Day with Finns, hanged at Anaalstraat and Sunday me and the guys took a tiny day trip to Zwolle, Kampen and Meppel. Three minimal cities with so much potential for adventure. Really much fun and got even a little bit tanned!! WEEEEE :D

This week we're enjoying holiday and at Thursday bus leaves to Berlin for four days! Can't wait what Berlin gives us (at least victory against Germany at ice hockey at Sunday, remember to watch!! LEIJONAT!)

Because I'm so excited of everything here and outside weather is absolutely gorgeous and I wanna just go running there, I'll just add here a little bit cliche, but cute film about exchanging in Europe by BuzzFeed (yes Les, I stole it from your fb):

- Uppa

PS: 8,6 from dutch language BITCHEEES!!!! Basically I'm fluent.

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